
Components in the Zel Game Engine are somewhat similar to the components in Unity. In Unity you add Components to GameObjects, while in the Zel Game Engine you add Components to Entities.

However the biggest difference between the two is that Components in the Zel Game Engine only contain data. Nothing else. The reason for this is to be able to pack this data closely together and manipulate this data all at once.

Only Data

Take for example in-game movement. You could have a player and 5 enemies. They all move in the same way so their code is identical.

In Unity you make a base component or class. Let’s call it the movement component. You would write your movement code in there. The player and enemy classes will inherit from this movement class. So when you call player.Move() or enemy.Move() the same code gets executed.

The way the Zel Game Engine handles this is a bit different. Data and logic are separated, but we still have a movement component. This component only contains the variables for the velocity, acceleration, etc. We add this component to the player and enemy Entities, just like we would in Unity.

The movement code however, which is identical between player and enemy, is located in a System. This System manipulates all movement components.


The benefit of this is that data is closely packed together in memory. When the CPU runs the code it doesn’t have to constantly wait for data to be fetched from RAM. Which is a very slow process compared to fetching from cache.

However, the code in the systems, so the CPU instructions, also don’t have to be fetched that often from RAM. Since we use the same system to manipulate the data, the CPU instructions are already in cache. They don’t change and therefore the CPU only has to change which data is getting manipulated.

When using the object oriented approach, you would constantly need to load new data. The code may be the same, but when switching from one enemy to the other, the whole object gets loaded in cache. So if the enemy stores health and attack information for example. That would get loaded into the cache, wasting valuable space.

You only need the movement data. That’s exactly why in the data oriented approach you will split up the data. Reducing the amount of wasted space in cache and therefore the amount of times you load data from RAM.

For a quick explanation what cache is and the difference between cache and main memory(RAM) you can watch this YouTube video from Eye on Tech.

Using & Adding Components

Adding Components to Entities is somewhat done in the same way as adding Components to GameObjects in Unity.

zel_transform_t transform{ { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } };
zel_level_add_component(example_level, entity, transform);

What is different however is the need to register component types. That means if you want to use a Transform Component you need to register it. Otherwise the engine does not know about the Component and it will crash. You can do this at any time, but it is recommended to do this when creating a Level.


For a more detailed explanation about registering components, please see the Components section in the engine’s documentation.

Getting Components

When you want to access a variable in a certain component, you first have to get a pointer to that component. This is done in a somewhat similar way as with Unity’s gameObject.GetComponent(). However you also need to pass the Level where the Entity exists in.

zel_transform_t* transform_component_ptr = zel_level_get_component<zel_transform_t>(example_level, entity);

There is also a way to only check if an entity has a certain combination of components.

zel_level_has_components<zel_transform_t, zel_material_t>(example_level, entity);

As you can see you can pass in only one or multiple component types.

Again, if you’d like to get a more detailed look at Components, look at the engine’s documentation.