
Currently the engine only has support for keyboard input. You can not use the mouse in any way yet as well as joysticks.

Available Keys

The keyboard keys that can be used are defined in the zel_PLATFORM_input_constants.h file. Where PLATFORM is the platform you are building for. Currently this can only be windows. These files can be found in ZelGameEngine/platforms/PLATFORM/include.

Different Key Presses

When pressing and releasing a key, there are three phases. The first frame the key is pressed can be detected with zel_input_get_key_press. Then all the following frames the key is still pressed can be detected with zel_input_get_key_hold. When releasing the key, the first frame it is released can be detected with zel_input_get_key_release.

Key Press

Key press only happens when during the previous frame the key was not pressed and the current frame it is.

int state = zel_input_get_key_press(ZEL_KEY_A);
if (state)
        zel_print("Key A is pressed");

Key Hold

When the key was held during the previous and current frame the key is marked as being held.

int state = zel_input_get_key_hold(ZEL_KEY_A);
if (state)
        zel_print("Key A is being held down");

Key Release

If a key is released and the previous frame it was still pressed then Key Release occurs.

int state = zel_input_get_key_release(ZEL_KEY_A);
if (state)
        zel_print("Key A is released");